UPDATE 5/23/20: As the pandemic progresses, more research emerges providing information about risk factors and treatment protocols. In summary, this is what has been published in medical journals (none of this update negates my article below that was published on4/2/20—it is still relevant). 1. Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, with or without the additional antibiotics, is not […]
Tag: wellness
Recently, a friend of mine emailed me about his decision to limit his vitamin D3 intake. He had read in a newspaper or seen a report on a TV news program that vitamin D3 supplements in excess of 400 IU/day had an association of earlier death. I had read the same information in the news […]
I just had my 75th birthday. Everything I wrote 4 years ago (below) is still true, and some other actions and supplements have been added/altered. New information will be in [square quote marks]. This month, I will be 71 years old. I weigh exactly what I weighed playing Division I freshman football and 4 years […]
By Dr. Robert Travis D.C. Prostate gland cancer (PC) is common in men older than 60 and becomes more prevalent as age increases. Approximately 250,000 American men will be diagnosed with PC this year, but the great majority will not die from PC. Most PC tumors are slow growing and not aggressive. The number of […]
Natural health care with an emphasis on prevention is the aim of this blog.